Image of the resulting candy. Image generated (from concept art at first) with RunwayML's image generator, and the image editor provided by Scratch. Final touches made with GIMP.
Oh, wait, you don't know Cyndese?
...Me neither, I was using a translator.
Don't be surprised if aliens think that says something like "bananas
eating zebras to an revenge" or something.
2 entire sticks of butter (the dreams and time will make the flavor less strong)
Writer's Interjection
This doesn't sound that appetizing...
Most people have reported that this candy tastes like love, fruit, and caramel, with a hint of battery acid.
Writer's Interjection
Case in point.
Preheat your preferred heating device to 600 degrees Fahrenheit.
Put the sugar, cinnamon, and time in a bowl, hereby the "rough ingredients bowl", and lightly stir for 1 minute.
Put the motor oil and one stick of butter in a bowl, hereby the "wet ingredients bowl", and mix that with specifically an electric mixer for 5 minutes.
Pour the contents of the "rough" bowl into the "wet" bowl and knead with hands until firm.
Grab a seperate bowl, and put the dreams and the other stick of butter in the bowl, hereby the "soft ingredients bowl". Mix this bowl with specifically an electric mixer until it feels all the dreams have broken down (trust me, you'll feel it.)
Mix all the ingredients together in a singular bowl, until the time and dreams have firmly mixed together. You may tell if this happens if the dreams and time begin to molecularly bond with the other ingredients. After this step, you may experience a fluctuation in the identities of person(s) who generated the dreams, but you can't leave the ingredients in room temperature for too long.
Put the mixture in the heating device for 20 minutes, or until the appearance of the dish begins to resemble Earth's cotton candy.
Take out of the heating device and let it cool for 5 minutes.